The September meeting at Elkhorn Acres will be a gear swap. Many of our older boaters are ready to get rid of some of their older gear either free or for very cheap. Beginners take note! Come on out and let us help you get set up for the fall and winter boating season.
Older boaters, bring out your gear! Don’t be stingy. You know that spray top that doesn’t fit anymore, come give it away to an aspiring kayaker. Drytop? Maybe just sell it at a bargain price, but get rid of it to make room for those sweet, sweet Gauley Fest items you’re going to buy.
Also, Gauley and Russell Fork plans, winter rolling session plans and so much more! Come on out and mingle. BYO whatever.
Location: AW Acres (Elkhorn main takeout) in Frankfort near Knight’s bridge on Peak’s Mill Rd. See map.