Ever wonder how you level up from the Elkhorn to more difficult rivers? Where do you go next? BWA President Sandra Broadwill will discuss common creeks and rivers that central Kentucky paddlers use as stepping stones as their skills progress, from Class II all the way to Class V. Plus things to look out for along the way, and how you know if you're ready to take the next step.
The things Sandra will discuss are not prescriptive - everyone takes their own path. Being a whitewater paddler isn't about tackling the hardest rivers, it's about having fun with your friends and exploring beautiful waterways, which can be done at any skill level! But the format of the talk will follow with Sandra's own journey as a paddler as an example, from roll sessions to Class V rivers.
This talk is for anyone, regardless of whether you are a lifelong BWA member or someone who has only ever kayaked in a lake.
Come ready to share your recent trip reports, we want to hear where you've been paddling! Plus we'll be sharing info about upcoming roll sessions and the Beginner's Clinic in May. Meet fellow paddlers who can take you on the river!
Non-members always welcome! Please share this event with your friends.